Cases of Interest

Welcome to  Cases of Interest.

We hope that this will be a useful and interesting resource for you. Cases are organized by subject.   Click on the subject area you are interested in and it will take you to a page listing brief precis for all our cases in that area. From the precis you can link directly to the case.

Our case listings are  updated on a regular basis. We invite you to submit your own cases, or cases you think will be of interest or useful to our readers. We will credit you for the contribution and will include either your email address or a link to your web site (as you direct).  Please send your cases to me at

Use Google search tool below to do a word search through all cases.

Subject Area


You can either scroll through the case Précis or do a fast word search of all the Précis on a subject area page. The search method is dependent on your browser. To search:

  • Type “Control” & “F” simultaneously
  • A search box will appear in the:
    • lower left hand corner of your screen (Firefox/Mozilla)
    • upper left hand corner of your screen (Windows Explorer)
    • upper right hand corner of your screen (Google Chrome)
  • Type in the search box word you are searching for,
  • Hit the “enter” the enter key,
  • The word you are searching for will be highlighted by the cursor
  • Each time to you hit the enter key the cursor will advance to the next location of the word, or in
    • Windows Explorer use the “Next” or “Previous buttons to the left of the search box, or in.
    • Google Chrome use the use the up or down arrows to the right of the search box.